What year were you built?
I was completed in 1897, and opened on 21st May of that year. The land to build me on was originally bought in 1886, but I was constructed from 1890, and it took seven years to finish, which was due to the economic climate.

Who designed you?
178 architects submitted their own designs of me, but it was London based architect E.W. Mountford whose design was chosen.

What is your design based on?
The design echos the architecture of  St. Pauls church that was located next to me until 1938.

So your surroundings have expanded throughout the years, tell me more about this...
After St. Pauls church had been demolished due to the slum clearance in the 1930s, in which people stopped attending, St.Pauls gardens were created. They were intended to be replaced when I had an extension but due to world war 2 this never materialised and they were later nicknamed as the peace gardens which remain today. In 1977 an extension was made to the peace gardens; a modern style council building which became known as 'The egg box' due to its unpopularity, was connected to me but was demolished in 2002 and replaced with the Sheffield winter gardens, St. Pauls hotel, and an office block called Howden house.

There is a statue on your clock tower, tell me the hisory about this...
On top of my 64 meter clock tower there is a statue of the roman god 'The Vulcan', which is the god of fire and metalwork which symbolises Sheffield's steelwork industry.

What are you made of?
My exterior is stoke stone which was carved by F.W. Pomeroy, with the interior including materials such as marble, limestone and oak. 

I went to visit you and found out that there was no public access to you, why is this?
No there isn't, this is because council meetings and conferences take place, and I hold 750 events each year so as you can imagine each day is very busy. 

What do these events include?
They include banquets, conferences, seminars, trade fairs, weddings, exhibitions and corporate and VIP hospitality. I am also home of the Sheffield international concert season.

Finally, how much are you worth?
I was built for around £500,000 and am now estimated to be worth £1 million. My worth has risen so much due to how the surroundings around me have expanded and also due to the extensions that have been added to me over the years. 

 Pictures of the town hall as it is today.

Town hall in 1914


We are going to to create a blog on the town hall in sheffield; we have chosen this building as this was the first one we saw at the start of our route and was the most impressive. We will be looking at the expansion of old to modern architecture surrounding the building as well as the town hall itself, in response to our word walk, and research into the history and designers of the building along with how it is used today.